Hoddesdon Methodist Church seeks to serve God in Hoddesdon and the wider world through love and fellowship
The origins of Methodist in Hoddesdon were with a small company of people who began meeting in 1883 in what was known as the Coffee Tavern (Temperance Hall) in Lord Street. The Methodist Society moved to its own building in Roman Street in 1888. During the early 1920s the small worshipping community considered larger buildings, eventually moving to the present site where, in 1929, the church building now in use was opened.
Hence 2019 marked the 90th anniversary of the present church building. We give thanks for the vision, faith and dedication of our ancestors in faith. They worked hard and gave sacrificially during a time of economic depression.
By 1938 the Society was free of the debt incurred by building the new chapel and its adjoining rooms. During 1935 the Wesley Hall was added as a result of voluntary effort from church members and friends. The hall was extended in 1957 and was well used until it became obvious that larger premises were required to accommodate the expanding work with young people. In 1973 the present church hall, meeting rooms and ancillary facilities were opened. After several years problems were discovered with the hall roof, leading to the launch of a £16,000 appeal in 1989, the church’s Diamond Jubilee year. The target was reached and the roof was replaced with the hope of preventing further deterioration of the structure. The hall and other facilities are a great asset to the Church and are well used by the local community.
In 2002 the Society began to discuss the possible major redevelopment of the church premises to increase the flexibility and attractiveness of the worship area. The accessibility of the premises for various activities, and the provision of improved facilities for disabled people. Discussion with a Christian architect led to the approval of the redevelopment scheme by the Church Council in 2003, the 300th anniversary of the birth of John Wesley to whom the Methodist Church owes its origins. A Redevelopment Appeal had been launched with a target of £300.000. A commemorative cover had been produced in celebration of the church’s 75th anniversary year and as part of a fundraising programme. With the help of the fund raising, alongside support from the wider Methodist Church and various grant making organisations, construction began in 2007.
We are thankful for all God’s blessings and guidance which Hoddesdon Methodist church received ever since its small beginnings. We look with faith and confidence to the future.
We’ll praise him for all that is past, And trust him for all that’s to come, (Joseph Hart 1712-68)