Hoddesdon Methodist Church seeks to serve God in Hoddesdon and the wider world through love and fellowship
Does is matter where I sit?
No, you can sit wherever you feel comfortable.
Will I have to join in?
Only if you want to.
What happens when I arrive?
You will be greeted in the foyer by door stewards who will welcome you Books and Bibles are available in the racks of the chairs. Small supply of News Sheets available for visitors. Normally emailed out to congregation.
How long is the service?
Usually about one hour.
What is an Alpha Course?
Is there a Priest or Minister?
We have a minister and her name is Revd. Marcia Tull, other Methodist ministers in HAEBEA also lead worship in our Church.
Who will lead the Service?
It will be usually led by either a minister, local (lay) preacher or a worship team made of Worship Leaders.
What if my children are noisy or fidgety?
Don’t worry about a bit of noise, we have quiet toys for children to play with.
What about those with poor eyesight?
We have large print books.
Is there a hearing loop?
Where are the toilets?
Toilets are clearly marked in the corridor including a disabled facility.
What happens to the collection?
It is used to help towards the Area (HAEBEA)’s Mission and Ministry, for charities and the upkeep of the building.