Hoddesdon Methodist Church seeks to serve God in Hoddesdon and the wider world through love and fellowship
Local Bereavement Groups online under Herts Bereavement services
Cruse Bereavement care (grieving and isolation advice online and over the phone) - 0844 4779400
Age UK Hertfordshire - 01923 224472
MacMillan support line - 0800 808 0000
NSPCC - 0808 800 5000
Herts Domestic Abuse helpline - 0808 808 8088 - www.hertssunflower.org
Spectrum (Herts Drug & Alcohol Recovery) - 0800 652 3169
Talk to Frank (drugs help & advice) - 0300 123 6600 - www.talktofrank.com
Crimestoppers (report crime anonymously) - 0800 555 111
Samaritans - 116 123
Samaritans - 0845 790 9090
Victims Support - 0845 3030 900
Child Line - 0800 11 11
National Drugs Helpline - 0800 77 66 00
Alcoholics Anonymous - 0845 769 7555
National Domestic Violence - 0808 2000 247